Position Title
Assitant Project Scientist
Position Title
Assitant Project Scientist
- Genome Center
4323 UC Davis Genome Center-GBSF
Lab member
1993 Ph.D. Genetics University of California, Davis
1991 M.S. Genetics University of California, Davis
1986 M.S. Biological Sciences University of California, Davis
1985 B.S. Biological Sciences University of Barcelona, Spain
Research Topic
Breeding leaf lettuce. Molecular markers and map integration. QTL analysis of domestication traits.
Research Summary
- Development of advanced breeding lines of leafy lettuce with resistance to Lettuce downy mildew, Anthracnose, Corky root and Lettuce Mosaic Virus.
- Use and development of molecular markers to aid on the breeding strategy and to characterize new sources of resistance.
- Integration of molecular maps developed on multiple lettuce populations segregating for a variety of traits including resistance genes and morphological traits.
- QTL mapping of domestication traits of agricultural importance relative to candidate genes.