Genes to Growers (G2G)
Lettuce is one of the most valuable vegetable crops in the U.S. This Standard Research and Extension Project will increased the efficiency of lettuce breeding, enhance quality, reduce losses, and train breeding personnel to operate in a data-rich environment.

Genomics of Plant Resistance Homologs 1999-2003
The niblrrs project was established to study the function of NBS-LRR-encoding genes. These genes play a primary role in the detection of pathogens and the initiation of specific plant defenses. Our studies utilized in the model plant Arabidopsis, took advantage of the complete genomic sequence. In parallel, we also studied NBS-LRR encoding genes isolated from maize and rice.

Compositae Genome Project 2000-2013
The CGP project developed resources for functional, comparative, and evolutionary genomics of the Compositae, particularly lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus).

Expression Level Polymorphisms 2001-2006
In ELP project, we used Arabidopsis thaliana and a novel combination of functional genomics, statistics, QTL analysis and molecular genetics to explore quantitative differences in the expression of genes involved in resistance to pathogens and that respond to induction by salicylic acid.

Comparative High-throughput Analyses of Resistance Gene Evolution 1999-2012
The CHARGE project was focused on understanding the evolution of resistance genes and the plant targets of bacterial effector proteins using a comparative approach to dissect a plant's ability to detect effector proteins from Pseudomonas syringae.

Lettuce SFP Chip Project 2006-2008
We have designed an Affymetrix high density GeneChip microarray to detect single feature polymorphisms (SFPs) in more than 35,000 lettuce genes. Genetic diversity will be measured by screening 50 genetically diverse breeding lines and our L. sativa cv Salinas x L. serriola RIL mapping population.